Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Praying everyone had a blessed Resurrection Sunday today!
Jesus is alive and that changes EVERYTHING.
Through His sacrifice and resurrection, He conquered all the power of the enemy and was given the keys of hell and death.
You may have lived through circumstances, relationships, experiences, or an upbringing that made you feel unimportant and insignificant, but Jesus forsook everything that was His and gave His life in sacrifice for YOU…because He loves you, because you are so very important to His Heart. You were always in His mind as He knew one day you’d be born and would need Him to provide the salvation, the reconciliation, the redemption only He could provide. He is never distant and you never leave His mind—you are so deeply important to Him.
No matter what your issues, challenges, and personal shortcomings are, God sees something very different when He looks at you. He sees your life from eternity’s viewpoint. He knows how everything is going to play out in the grand scheme of things. He knows your potential, because He knows the invisible gift He has put inside you. Refuse the lies that where you are now and where you have been is all there is. Refuse to face your future expectation based on events of the past or according to your feelings, because there is so much more for you as a Beloved born-again child of the Living God, bought and redeemed by the Finished Work of Jesus who rose again from the grave.
Tonight, no matter what you are going through, rest in the power and beauty of this! Rest in His loving embrace, where there is salvation and life more abundant, a vibrant hope, and a certain future, which He called you for long before you were ever born.
Because, your life is now founded in Him, you will not be moved. Because Your Shepherd is not limited, you will not lack. Because He is all-powerful, He is well able to perfect all that concerns you. Because you have Him, You do not need to fear. When you have done all you can do and feel are no longer able, God is supernaturally able so you don't have to be.
The enemy is trying to convince many that the grave of destruction in which their health, finances, situations, families, health, emotions, and other areas of their lives seem to be in right now is the end of it all. He is trying to whisper in lying fears saying that there is no coming back out of that grave sealed with the stone he rolled. But, God has more for you than the present moment, even just around the corner, and things are shifting even now… Look beyond what your physical eyes can see, because the present darkness of circumstances and situations you see around you are being overturned. It’s not over for you!
The Resurrected King is resurrecting you, bringing the beauty of the best yet to come out of the ashes of yesterday. He is on the move. He is fighting for you. He has gone ahead of you to make a way, to prepare things for you, and to establish and arrange things for you. In the darkness of what seems like a terminal end, His Resurrection power is working and stirring and bringing dead things back to life. If you could only see what He has planned and the effort, the attention to detail He has put on your behalf!
So receive all that the Lord has already said you could have, because in this season of resurrection, when deserts are coming back to life with the blooms of the flowers of promise again, the One who conquered death and hell is breathing new life into things you may have thought were impossibly dead, bringing in unexpected victories, turnarounds, comebacks by the breath of His Spirit! He is faithful and well-able to restore and bring you to new life. Just as when He was crucified but rose again after 3 days, your present trials are setting you up for improbable outcomes and unexpected victories. Remember that there is nothing He will not be able to redeem. This time of pressing is opening up before you a road of purpose and redemption you never saw coming!
The enemy has had you under assault and he may even had thought he had crushed you for good, but creative miracles and resurrection victories are taking place not by night or power, but by the Spirit of the Living God! You are God’s poster child for improbable outcomes, because you belong to the God with whom all things are possible! He will make a way where there seems to be no way supernatural and He will provide supernaturally, restore supernaturally, and help you become exactly who and what He has meant for you to be so that you may be ready to receive what lies at the other side of this season. Dare to have hope and a mustard seed of faith, because that is all God needs! In this season of new life emerging and improbable comebacks, God has a way of doing above and beyond anything we may ask, think or imagine! The time of pressing is becoming a time of stretching of your faith to believe and receive from Him!
Lean into His presence. Lean into a posture of thanksgiving and gratitude. Lean into the heart of Him who is ordering your steps lovingly with only your best interests in mind. Lean into the deep rest of His Finished Work on your behalf. Things are shifting and God has started processes in your life and initiated things that will bring breakthrough and restoration in your situation. Trust in Him. Lean into Jesus who is embracing you and leading you into green pastures. Partner with Him in thought, word, and action. You may not understand everything, but He does. His love for you supersedes everything, your past, your present, even your mistakes and missteps and the things that seem beyond control.
Today, I prophesy new life in your health, mind, emotions, ministry, finances, family, and in every area of your life in which you are in need. I declare you will be liberated and released from every bondage, every generational pattern, dysfunction, attack, and chain that is trying to hold you back and pull you down. You are not going to stay where you have been or where you are now. God has more for you. He knows how to give new life. He knows how to give you a resurrection miracle and bring life anew into the very thing that the enemy wanted to die. Things may have run in your family like, but now they have run into the Blood of Jesus! You will be who he made you to be! You will lay a hold of everything God has already set apart from you! You will do and be and walk in everything He ordained for you to do and be and walk in! God will do everything He has said He is going to do! You will experience unexpected turnarounds, improbable outcomes, unusual comebacks where you need them most. No crisis, no situation, not even your own mistakes will have the last word. Out of this season of trials will come the most significant triumphs of your life. He will glorify Himself through your life yet!
Dare to believe Him! Dare to appropriate all that which He already said was yours, paid for with the highest price. He is not finished with you yet. This is just the beginning. There is much He has laid ahead for you that you have yet to behold…and it is glorious.
Lean into Him.
He has prevailed.
He lives.
It is finished.
Isaiah 53:3-5 (TPT)“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of deep sorrows who was no stranger to suffering and grief. We hid our faces from him in disgust and considered him a nobody, not worthy of respect. Yet he was the one who carried our sicknesses and endured the torment of our sufferings. We viewed him as one who was being punished for something he himself had done, as one who was struck down by God and brought low. But it was because of our rebellious deeds that he was pierced and because of our sins that he was crushed. He endured the punishment that made us completely whole, and in his wounding we found our healing.”
John 3:16 TPT “For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.”
John 10:10 (TPT) “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside streams of clear waters;
He restores my soul...
Psalm 23:2-3

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