Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Songbirds Singing Effect on Plants

Last week learned that the songs of birds in the predawn hours have the effect of opening the stomata of plants--this then allows the flow of water up through the stems. What a picture of how praise and worship open our souls to the flow of God's Spirit--life giving water!

Also recently heard that the most frequent positive command of scripture is to sing to the Lord! 2 Chronicles 20 now makes even more sense!

1 comment:

  1. The significance of this phenomenum was reinforced by the lyrics of "Holy, Holy, Holy" as the next line of the song says: " Early in the morning, our songs shall rise to Thee"

    An additional confirming moment was when I listened to Ce Ce Winans sing "How Great Thou Art", as the song, which spends considerable time dwelling on God's hand evident in Nature, closes there is a chorus of birds singing in the background! See Rev. 5:13 also.
