Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Wagons of Revival

wagonofrevivalWhen I face certain kinds of spiritual attack I have learned to go on the offensive. I lay in bed early one morning prior to speaking in a conference feeling oppressed and tired even after a good nights sleep. I knew I needed to move in faith so I began to declare aloud parts of Psalm 91:
‘He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no evil foe can withstand! I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, He is my fortress, my God, on Him will I lean and rely, and in Him will I confidently trust! Surely then He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I shall take refuge; His truth shall be my shield and buckler.’
The power of the word of God is released when believed and spoken! As I proclaimed these vital verses the dunamis of God began strengthening my soul. So I did it again with renewed strength and more conviction.
‘He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no evil foe can withstand! I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, He is my fortress, my God, on Him will I lean and rely, and in Him will I confidently trust! Surely then He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I shall take refuge; His truth shall be my shield and buckler.’
“Suddenly, I saw in the top of my hotel room a type of open spiritual passageway. I knew instinctively that I could leap into it and be carried into the realm of the heavens. So I did. At lightening speed I zoomed through the atmospheric realm of the prince of the power of the air. I heard demonic voices saying, ‘Hey, you can’t come through here!’ I laughed knowing their attempts to stop me were in vain. I was going and that was that!
“I landed in the heavens in a shadow like place under a huge dark wing at least 12’0” tall. Tennis ball size and larger precious stones beyond description exuded from the enormous wing. Gold and silver particles and other precious metals were coming out of the wing. I had never seen anything like it before. I was confused. At first I didn’t understand why the place was so dark. I thought angel’s wings would be white, but then I realized something. Had I not just boldly proclaimed that I would dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty? Had I not declared that He would deliver me from the snare of the fowler, you know, the bird catcher? That’s quite a promise for a man named Robin! Had I not emphatically proclaimed; ‘He shall cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I shall take refuge?’ I was not under a massive angel’s wing but had found refuge under the very wing of the Great Eagle, the One of whom I had been proclaiming.” 
Five Supernatural Wagons
In that place the Lord authorized me to bring back and release five wagons of divine substance. The first one was a wagon called ‘Deliverance from Deserved Consequences’. The second wagon was called ‘Deliverance from Criticism and the Critical Spirit’. The third wagon was called ‘Hope’. The fourth wagon was called ‘Provision’. The fifth wagon was called ‘New Vision for the United States’.
Interpretation and Meaning of the Wagons
One characteristic of this kind of spiritual encounter is that you instinctively know things. I knew I would find the significance and understanding of the wagons in the story of the amazing restoration of Joseph to his father Jacob and his brothers recorded in Genesis 45. A significant part of the restoration occurred because of wagons Joseph sent to his father to prove he was alive.
“And Joseph sent to his father these things: ten donkeys loaded with the good things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain, bread, and food for his father and for the journey” (Genesis 45: 23).
 “Then they went up out of Egypt, and came to the land of Canaan to Jacob their father. And they told him, saying, ‘Joseph is still alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt.’ And Jacob’s heart stood still, because he did not believe them”.
“But when they told him all the words which Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived” (Genesis 45:25-27, italics mine).
Joseph’s words and Joseph’s wagons had this effect on his father: ‘The spirit of Jacob their father revived’. That is the first time the word ‘revive’ is used in the Bible. In the context of this encounter it speaks volumes. These 5 wagons, when activated, have the potential to release revival and restoration. Joseph is the clearest type of the Lord Jesus in the whole Old Testament. Some students of the scripture had found over 80 similarities between the two. For instance, the disciples thought Jesus was dead, but He was alive and Lord of All. For 22 years Joseph’s family thought he was dead. He was not only ‘not dead’ but alive and lord of all Egypt.
“Our hearts and this generation will revive when we see the amazing resources of heaven that Christ Jesus has provided for the world as represented by these five wagons!
Wagon #1
The first wagon was called Deliverance from Deserved Consequences. Jesus loves people so much that He wants to set them free from their bad choices and decisions. Perhaps you did the wrong thing, you made the wrong choice, yes, you sinned –but, Jesus wants to set you free from what you deserve and the consequences of your actions.
Wagon #2
“The second wagon was called Deliverance from Criticism and the Critical Spirit! Jesus can set wounded people free from the effects of people’s criticisms to become who He says they are. That wagon is also intended to deliver us from being critical. Remember, Jesus also warned that we would be judged in direct proportion to our condemnation of others.
Wagon #3
The third wagon was called Provision. God has provided for the needs and desires of His people. It’s all in heaven. In Matthew 6:10 Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Your Kingdom come in earth as it is in heaven,’ and meant that what happens in heaven should happen on earth. There are no poor people in heaven, no sick, no depressed either! We can access all that heaven contains.
Wagon #4
“The fourth was a wagon called Hope. Hope is an indispensible commodity. It is the foundation for faith, for ‘faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). The Apostle Paul said that hope anchors our soul. Hope secures our entire mental welfare and energizes our life of faith! Hopelessness is the fruit of believing lies. Jesus said we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. One who accurately knows Jesus and believes the truth is filled with a hope that cannot be extinguished!
Wagon # 5
The fifth wagon is called ‘New Vision for the United States’. In the story of Joseph Pharaoh provided the very best place in all of Egypt for them called Goshen which means ‘drawing near.’  James 4:8 says, ‘Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.’ If our nation will draw near to God, He will draw near to us and change our nation! I believe that is going to happen in the United States. We are on the verge of another Great Spiritual Awakening that shall once again reshape our nation.
Activating the Five Wagons
Why were these heavenly blessings in wagons? Wagons are pulled by something called ‘the tongue.’ You must properly use your tongue to access what’s in them. The wagons I saw were huge ancient wooden ones with wheels having big wooden spokes. You could say they were ‘spoken’ wheels. How we use our tongue and our spoken words are so important:
‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit’ (Proverbs 18:21).
 ‘For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation’ (Romans 10:10).
Each of us may access the contents of these heavenly wagons by believing in the existence of their substance and speaking their reality by an agreement of faith. Jesus has so much for us. The reviving of our nation is His intention. Lay hold of these five wagons and see what happens in your life. The time is now.

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