Monday, November 25, 2013

In the fall of 2012, I saw a vision of a boxing ring with two evil opponents dancing around looking for someone to contend with. One was named The Destroyer, the other was named The Devourer. But no one was opposing them. Then I understood why. I saw on the back of each of their robes the words "This Is Just Life." People believed that all the robbery and difficulty they were encountering was "just life" rather than fighting to take back what was being stolen. It might be wise to inventory what the enemy has robbed from each of us in this past season, then contend and demand a double payment in return. Exodus 22:7 says a thief, when he is caught, must pay back double. It's time to contend!
2. Turning Barrenness into Blossoming
As I set my heart to hear what God is saying to His Church as we began the year of 2013, I had several visions which all had a theme of dry, desolate, desperate situations turning around. I saw a desert that was hot and dry begin to receive great amounts of rain from heaven. As the dry ground received the rain, seeds which had been lying dormant for years suddenly began to spring forth and bloom. Where there was previously no point in sowing in that desolate land, the rain transformed it to become a place of great fruitfulness and blessing. This brought to mind Isaiah 35, which speaks of the desert blossoming, the dry land becoming a pool and springs of water, blind eyes being opened, deaf ears being unstopped, the lame walking, and the redeemed of the Lord singing and rejoicing at the transformation taking place all around them. What caused this turn-around? The outpouring of rain from Heaven!


  1. Never ceases to amaze me how the verses with 22 in the address shine/show extra encouraging/lighten the load...

  2. Abraham John[of India} and Richard Mull were guests of Arthur Blessett on TBN as well as Jerry Jenkins.A.J studied every religious system to compare with Christianity and found Christ to be the correct-source of truth...I am the other God died for us! He-Jesus-helps discover our purpose! in life...
