Wednesday, October 3, 2012

5.0 out of 5 stars His Word, Settled Forever Mathematically!, February 26, 2005
This review is from: Theomatics: God's Best Kept Secret Revealed (Hardcover)
Statistics can be lots of fun. Sports fans especially agree, citing various records professional luminaries as Jerry Lucas still hold, decades following their retirement from competition. Yet, statistics are not the essence of the ball player, but simply an outline, or at best, a suggestion of their talents.

Per example, watching Michael Jordan make a play renders the statistics meaningful. And when the game is over, the season ended, in the years that ensue, conversations sparkle with the memories. Remembrances sweeten with age at how many times 'so-and-so' stepped to the foul line to drill how many buckets in how many games against what teams in how many seasons.

Accordingly, all that are so blessed to be enamored of the Word of God never tire in describing the wonders and riches of Holy Writ, and still in the end resort to quoting it to adequately conclude their remarks. Numbers, like in Theomatics and sports statistics, merely outline the glory of the subject, whetting the appetite for more.

Intriguingly, Del Washburn's introduction of Theomatics, with a game-winning assist enjoyed by Jerry Lucas, begins the search for pefection in God's Word with the mathematical equation. 'Theomatics' is in fact a manufactured term the authors agreed upon when no term existed that defined the discipline upon which they were embarking.

To reduce Mr. Washburn's work to numerology is to reveal a woefully obvious lack of understanding. Likewise, to equate Theomatics with the discipline of ELS is to compare apples with oranges.

Theomatics displays more facets of perfections in God's Word. ELS discovers the substantively prophetic fibres only eternity's realms will afford the space to plumb.

Now that is a fruit salad to yearn for. If Mr. Washburn's work is true to his expectations, the aligning of those two disciplines would expose to the world even greater depths of His Law 'settled forever in Heaven'! {Psalm 119:89.}{TNKJV}

"Your Word is very pure; therefore Your servant loves it
." {Ps. 119:140.}{Ibid.}

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