Thursday, April 9, 2015

Winds of Change/Transformation

I had a dream a couple of weeks ago:
As I looked around me I saw what looked like
snowflakes streaking across the sky from my right to
my left, blowing in the wind. As I focused on the
"flakes" I realized that it was not snow, but
thousands upon thousands of butterflies being driven
by the wind. The butterflies were going somewhere and
I heard someone say that they were only congregating
around a few locations (I think the number was 5, it
seems that Calgary was one of the locations.) I began
filming with my iPhone and pointed to the scene which
appeared to be filming snow being driven by the wind.
Then I put my hand if front of the camera/phone in
order to cause the focus to show that it was actually
butterflies flying through the air. A few butterflies
began to fly around my hand.

Then I was getting ready to get on a bus and someone
told me to look in a mirror. As I looked into the
mirror butterflies began to flutter around both of my
eyes, even landing on my eye lashes. It was very cool
and I was excitedly telling others to look at what was

I decided to run to get my camera as fast as I could.
My camera was up a hill at some place that we were
heading. As I got a short distance from the bus I
realized that the effort to run there would be
draining and I would be sweaty - and that if I just
waited a little bit longer the bus would be heading
there; in all actuality I would probably get there
sooner, or in about the same time riding the bus.

Over the last couple of days the Lord has been
stirring some things in my heart:
Many will be touched by Winds of Transformation -
The Spirit is releasing an outpouring of revelation of
our transformed identity in Christ. Like pure snow
being driven by the wind, the Lord is releasing a
clear understanding of who He has created us to be.
This revelation will bring a clarity to how we see
ourselves and will drive out the lies that our
weakness is a limitation for the strength of He who
has made us one with Himself. As the eyes of our
heart are enlightened we will be overwhelmed with
excitement and a desire to capture everything that is
coming alive in us. The challenge will be to rest and
wait upon the Lord. He will bring us in peace to our
destination and will teach us along the way. If we go
in our own strength we will not get there any sooner,
but will just be exhausted.

I believe the reference to the five places and
"Calgary" means: "This revelation will gather around
those that are resting in His grace and the work of
the cross (Calvary)."


The entrance of His Word gives light!

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