Saturday, January 14, 2017

JESUS SAYS...Your President Elect Donald Trump exposes Layers of Corrupt...

1 comment:

  1. Everything hinges on intimacy! Since God's people have humbled themselves in prayer the previous word that the great revival would be delayed until after the rapture no longer holds. Clare was also promised the grace for longevity so she could accomplish more for the Kingdom... intercession is exhausting, like the travail of childbirth... requires interspersed periods to rest...I know my task is to start honing my ability to "spread the bread, on which I've been fed
    "...thank You Jesus ! Your mercy grace,and faithfulness has allowed me to live, may I bear fruit as a result... thought of how Psalm 32:9 relates to the transformation of Saul to the man named Paul... it will be worth it all... no doubts will remain, after sharing in His pain. I Peter 4:1-11 & Romans 8:17
