Monday, November 16, 2015

From Steven Bliss:

As I was walking this morning, I asked if I may have a word to deliver, and I heard the name James. 
Well, I heard James or Jim. It was as if James was in a period of self-examination, not knowing 
if they were a “formal” James or were the more informal (comfortable) Jim. 

This time of turmoil is coming to an end. It is up to you to speak to it, so It can be over. 
You must become comfortable sitting and talking with Father-God. You will learn 
He does not judge you, as you judge yourself. He sees far more than you allow yourself to see. 
He is there to help you through the struggle which now entangles you. 

I next saw a ball at the curb-side of the street. It was just a bit smaller than the size of a 
tennis ball. It was a yellow rubber ball. As soon as I heard myself think that, I was singing 
a song from the mid 1960’s. Paul Simon wrote it just to make some money, and it was soon 
recorded by the Cyrkle. 

Yes, it’s going to be ok. 
Yes, the worst is over now. 
The morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball. 

But wait.... It was a yellow ball that I found.   In what I find, yellow can relate to joy and revelation. 
It is that which you need, in allow God to reveal the true value of James/Jim. 

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