Sunday, September 4, 2016

Some time ago I researched the passage describing the going home of the prophet Moses. What I found was very interesting to say the least. The translation that I was using said, ..."the Lord (Yahweh) took him home by the breath of his mouth."  After I found the explanation of the translation from the Hebrew, it unlocked a lot of understanding to the ways of the Lord. The Hebrew says, "He took him home by the kisses of His mouth  ". The love of God to His prophet was expressed in a beautiful way.

A flood of scriptures followed. The Lord breathing the breath of life into Adam. Adam described as a living spirit, and contrasting Jesus as a "life giving spirit".   I am sensing very strongly that the "life giving spirit" of Jesus is going to be breathed into us in a RESURRECTION MOVEMENT of great miracles very soon. We who have walked with Him for years will be changed like those who were walking with HIM on the Road to Emmaus. He was made known to them at the breaking of the bread. When they tried to burn the apostle Polycarp at the stake, he did not burn, but everyone watching him could smell the scent of fresh baked bread. There was a swirling of wind that enveloped him. Then, so much water flowed out of him (after the guards punctured his side with a sword) that the water put out the fire. He was in his eighties. He sang in the spirit this whole time, and was accompanied by the angels.

All of the sufferings in the lives of those who have remained true to Him will manifest in miraculous power. The swirling winds of the Holy Spirit will accompany their steps. The light of the glory of God will remain in their footprints after they have walked past. The knowledge of the ways of God will be poured out like mighty waters full of the glory of the Lord and those waters will grow and grow until they cover the whole earth. This is the heritage of those that the Lord has made righteous.

The revealing of the Kingdom of God in these faithful ones will be a manifestation of the love of Jesus. He will be"kissing us to life". We will be full of His love and that will REALLY bring heaven on earth. It will release the same Spirit that was flowing through Jesus when "He saw the multitudes and was filled with compassion and He healed them ALL".

Years ago, an evangelist was called to pray for an itinerant worker in the orchards of Michigan. She was in the hospital dying after getting accidentally sprayed with insecticide. She was red and covered with blisters all over her body. After prayer, the evangelist felt a very strong urge to kiss the ailing woman on the forehead. The hospital room was filled with the glory of the Lord. The woman was healed.

This same evangelist was teaching one evening when an interesting vision was given. In this vision, there were several people standing in a field that  was a short distance below a railing. Some others were leaning on the railing looking down at the group. All were watching a dark cloud on the horizon. No one seemed to be concerned about the black cloud even though it was coming closer all the time. One of the group spoke up and said confidently, "I will go".  The watchers above the railing were discussing the events. They were saying such things as, "These are those who have been called for the end time to do what Jesus did, and to say what Jesus said and to look like Jesus looked."

What else could it be but a RESURRECTION MOVEMENT when legs and arms are restored and the spare parts warehouse in heaven is emptied in one day...every day? And, those who are older in earth years who have loved God with their whole hearts are suddenly restored to youth and strength.  Why are the thoughts of the older ones  filled with vitality that comes from the Holy Spirit about the plans of God for this hour? Why are they thinking that they  "would do that, if only they were younger"?  Imagine a 30 year old with all of that wisdom and knowledge and all of that divine vitality. Now, THAT would be divine leadership. God's will on earth as it is in heaven would include the fact that a lot of those that have visited heaven say that everyone in heaven is no more than 30 years old. There are many longings in our hearts that have not, as yet, been explained.

We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.

Imagine the absolute terror in the enemy when he begins to see the saints being transformed into Jesus. Jesus everywhere. More and more and more of HIM.  JESUS EVERYWHERE. That is the view that you will see from the back of your white horse. From behind the Faithfull and True on His
White Horse. Behind the King who has raised upon the mountain the banner bearing His Name so that the enemies can see where HE is. SOONER THAN WE THINK.



1 comment:

  1. Was reminded of the time yrs ago in Connersville, Indy.,meditating on passage about feeding of 5,000 when felt the stilt small voice of Holy Spirit give me insight into personal application of this passage... also connects to Lk 24 meditation... Thank You Jesus
