Friday, July 3, 2015


Do not be afraid, again I say to you as I have told you before, fear no evil that shall come upon this world. I Am your Father, and as a good Father I will provide and take care of My own. There will be new territory to cross, but I have already gone ahead of you and charted your paths. I have trained you and nurtured you, so that you may be bold and strong and step into the call for the days ahead. Each one of My children I have positioned and assigned each one their purpose for the near future. If each one of you will take your position that I have spoken to you, and trained you for, you will lack no good thing. So, their is no famine, no earthly upheaval, no terror, or sudden calamity that will cause you to be afraid. All whose mind is stayed on Me will experience great peace.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Lord-I needed to hear this-it is so pointed and comforting to my heart!
