Sunday, October 11, 2015

There is the Place in the Spirit to which we are called to come, each one of us in our own time of readiness and our own time of surrender. Holy Spirit has been preparing us for this specific place and for this particular time of our life ... Gently but persistently we have been drawn to the Mountain of the Lord.
Mountains always speak of the high places, places of victory, places where the eagles fly and where they make their home ... They are the places of refuge and places of strength.
But there is the specific Mountain He is calling us to ... His Mountain, The Highest Place in the Spirit, where only few dare to venture, though He desires all of us to partake of that High Living in Christ Jesus.
For the past few weeks I have been hearing this different sound ... I could hear the distance in it, as if it was coming from the far away place ... Its melody so beautiful yet heart breaking would bring me to my knees, and my heart would break, it seems as in million pieces.
I was responding to its beauty with brokenness and couldn't understand why. In this sound I could hear the wind and almost feel the color of it ... I could hear the cry of an eagle and feel the warmth of the sun ... The crispness of the air was intoxicating ...
But there was the sadness and the pain mixed with the notes of such exuberant joy and love, and it was reaching deep within my being, all the way down to my inner core of who I was and who I have become.
All of a sudden all that I had wasn't enough ... Nothing was satisfying, I wanted more. I needed more, so much more!
So we are in for a change - it is stripping time again. More layers are coming off and we are standing before Him completely exposed and vulnerable, feeling the void and the emptiness in everything we do.
His call is so strong and it is leaving me breathless ... I could hear Him but couldn't really "see" that Place He is calling me to. But His song is so mesmerizing and its tune so familiar yet not really known.
There is the Highest Purpose of our existence hidden on that Narrow Path we're on. Briers and thistles of life are hiding that treasure, but it is there. I am talking about the Highest Realm of The Spirit, The Highway of Holiness, The Way of Life, where it is really not us living anymore, but Him living IN us. I am talking about walking in the Kingdom Purposes of the Fullness of His Spirit.
That Mountain is The Place of the Highest Sacrifice - where we meet the Lover of our soul on the hill of the Skull, on the Mount Calvary, and by identifying with Him in that Place of pain and sorrow, we become One with Him, and are the partakers in His sufferings
That is the Place He is calling us to come to - it is the Ultimate Test of Love. There He asks us the question "DO YOU LOVE ME MORE THAN THESE?", and there He awaits our answer.
So we need to consider the Cross! Consider the pain, consider the shame, but more than anything else we need to consider His broken heart. As we stand before the Cross there is no way back. The Lover of our soul is calling us from that tree, and as we gaze into His face we can see our Future. There is going to be rejection and pain, heart break, persecution, hate, even death. FOR THE SERVANT IS NOT GREATER THAN HIS LORD. But above all, as we behold Him we are going to be changed and transformed into His likeness, and everlasting joy will be upon our heads.
And all the nations will come and worship Jesus - The King!

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