Wednesday, June 3, 2015

(Chuck Pierce) then prophesied:
"And when I lift you up with this geyser you'll see the enemies that have held you captive. Know this: waters are bubbling down deep and will rise up under you and push you up!"
"This is a Season of Breaking Forth"
Barbara Wentroble prophesied:
"Even that which has held the geysers back, even that which has held the glory back, know that those are mindset structures that I'm coming, in this hour, to destroy; mindsets that have caused you to stand in a limited place, and that have caused you to miss the very best that I have for you. I say this is a season of breaking forth. I'm going to break some old mindsets and I'm going to cause you to see what you have never seen before. I'm going to cause you to experience what you have never experienced before.
"This is a time where I am increasing the momentum. Know that in this season I shall cause your steps to ascend into a new place. I'll give you vision you've never had before, for I never intended for you to stay in a lowly place. But come up here and I will show you those things that must be in your life.
"For this is a season of 'must be', and there are some things that must be in your life, there are some things that must be in the earth. Know that I'm breaking mindsets so you can step into that place and you can apprehend that which must be in your life for the future."
This is Not a Season to Fear!
On Tuesday I received this prophetic word from Penny Jackson that I believe will encourage you:
"This is not a season to fear! This is a season to rejoice that I am moving on the earth to bring about My purposes. These are not wild, random times. These are times designed to bring forth on the earth that which I have promised. My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are higher, accomplishing what I set out to do. You can trust that I am still in control, that things have not 'gotten away' from Me.
"I know what I am up to, and I will do what I will do to bring forth that which I have said. Focus on Me. Watch as I move in days ahead. I move with sureness. I move with economy. I will not bring forth more than what is necessary. Stay close to Me. Stay under My wing. There is no other safe place. But there you can rest. There you can watch and see the works I will perform on the earth. You have heard of such a time to come. This is that time. Watch Me work."
Chuck D. Pierce

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