Wednesday, June 17, 2015


This morning I was getting my son ready for school and my phone beeped alerting me that a text message had arrived. I walked straight over to my phone to see the display screen time showing 7:47. I giggled to myself and offered praise to God, because it is a number I have been seeing a lot lately and the Lord speaking to me about personal and corporate "take off" right now in this season.
I unlocked my phone and went to read the message, and within seconds the time had changed to 7:49. I immediately had the thought that it was unusual time just "skipped". It was then that I felt the Lord speak.
I felt the Lord saying that this is a time of "take off" in the body of Christ, we are beginning to take off into the new places, new heights and new realms the Lord has for us.
We may be surrounded by things that seem to be "holding us down" in the "natural" but in the spirit as we continue to press in, we have met the point of take off and we are beginning to soar higher than ever before. What is happening in the SUPERNATURAL is going to MANIFEST in the natural. The release has begun in the spirit and is going to invade the natural realm.
There is going to be an acceleration of time that is going to happen for many of the people of God, that all the time that has been spent in the "contending" process and the struggle, is going to be made up for through a supernatural quickening of time and acceleration. A LOT is going to happen and manifest in a short space of time. The Lord is going to accelerate manifestation after manifestation after manifestation that will shout His name and Glory to all around. What you and I have been walking through in this season of contending, birthing, opposition and pressing is not for nothing and our constant choice to "stand" has not gone unseen by the Lord.
I then heard the Lord saying "There is an extravagant release of grace and favour being released now, and there is also a rewarding of faithfulness that is happening in this season. The continual obedience, yielding to Me, and choices to stand is bringing forth great increase to My people. Faithful stewardship is being extravagantly rewarded."
"Suddenly, My people are going to TURN AROUND. From weak knees, to strong and courageous, from hope deferred to prisoners of hope, from struggling and void of joy, to thriving and FULL of joy, from wanting to give up, to taking Holy Spirit led risks for me and adventures. A sudden restoration of My people is happening. No more battle weary saints, but COURAGEOUS warriors arising as My army. Bodies and souls are being RESTORED!!"
"As My people are "taking off" they are going to meet SUDDEN accelerated CHANGE. Change is in the air of the spirit and within a day, things will completely turn around. Moving from point A to point B within the twinkling of an eye. I am doing what only I can do."
"My people are about to make their praises to Me LOUD as the pressures that have compounded are now going to be TURNED AROUND and My grace, provision, and favour ABOUNDS."
"You are leaving the "ground" My people, the process of "taking off" has begun and I am really going to show off My goodness and Glory."
Jane Greenstein

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