Monday, April 11, 2016

Doug Patterson 

The Living Word is as a GOLDEN SHOVEL. It is an 
instrument of honor and great wealth. It is to be 
applied and used within the person's heart, their mind, 
will and emotions. It is a secret Kingdom that is in 
print, but it is a Rhema Revelation for those that dig 
into the humility of their soul. 

It will uncover words of knowledge and wisdom that will 
explode, causing great success, prosperity and peace. 
Many people will come to know the saving knowledge of 
the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His might. So, 
use the Golden Shovel, dig deep into a humble and 
contrite heart. It is inside you, for I have buried a 
HIDDEN TREASURE of My presence that will be with you for 
all of eternity. 

1 comment:

  1. This golden shovel word goes well with the youtube word by Julie Meyer about treasures to be found in Phoenix as sign of spiritual treasures !
