Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Now Is The Time 

By Billie Reagan Deck 

For as in the days of Noah, saith the Lord, so shall it be 
again. And I shall wipe it away systems and organizations 
that have become a misrepresentation of Me and My kingdom. 
Their lesser kingdoms shall fall, just as the Tower of 
Babel fell. 

For there s now a time of cleansing coming on the earth, a 
cleansing and a purifying, and purification necessary for 
the reign of the harvest—the former and the latter rain 
shall come together and all flesh shall know that I am God. 

The lesser shall topple one by one, and great shall be the 
sound of the furry of their toppling. Confusion and 
destruction shall come on those who have placed their faith 
and their confidence in these false/faux/fake kingdoms run 
to and fro. 

The toppling of the twin towers was a foretaste, a 
warning. But you did not heed that warning. 

There has been rivers of destruction and flames that have 
consumed and a shaking of the earth, but still you have not 

It's coming. It's coming because the time of My return is 
near and I am almost at the door. 

So rend your hearts and rend your minds. Remove all idols 
and idolatry from your hearts and turn to Me and I will 
abundantly pardon, for I am a God of compassion and mercy. 

I have created you for My pleasure, yet you have sought 
after and found a temporary pleasure in the things of this 
world and its systems. 

Look at the gift of time I have created for you. In 24 
hours how much do you worship Me? See, I have turned many 
away to their reprobate minds to seek after that which is 
unseemly and perversion in My eyes. I will swallow them up 
in greater darkness unless they repent and turn to Me. 

The god of money shall topple like a ripe apple falls off a 
tree. And those who have put their hope and their 
confidence in these, shall cry like a baby. 

The sorrow that shall come upon the earth shall be for 
those who have been slaughtered at your own hands. It shall 
be like Rachel crying for her young and they were not. 

The realization of what you have done will be great and 
their blood shall cry out against thee. 

Repent, repent! Return to thy first love. Let the 
abominations cease, and I will cause a great awakening to 
come upon the earth that has not yet come. 

I created you for Myself. I sent My Son for the 
propitiation of your sin. My requirements were too high for 
you, so the Lamb of God came into the world as a man. He 
breathed the air of earth’s atmosphere; which is unlike 
heaven’s. He walked the roads of dust instead of streets 
of gold. He left His station at the throne and took on a 
lower estate. And you did not recognize Him. You did not 
celebrate His coming. 

You did not honor His life by accepting His blood as 
payment for your debt of sin and sickness and all forms of 

But if you with all your heart, you truly seek Him, you 
will you shall surely find Him. And if you return to Me, I 
shall mercifully and abundantly/wonderfully pardon. And you 
shall find rest for your souls. 

So cry out and repent, call the alarm, call men to 
repentance and recognize this day, September 22, 2015, Yom 
Kippur, the Day of Atonement the finished work of the 
cross. Accept My blood sacrifice of the Lamb of God who was 
slain before the foundation of the world, and be saved from 
the destruction that is coming on the earth. 

Be a part of the remnant, those called out ones, I will 
greatly pardon and remember your sin no more. 

Come away and learn to live the separated life. You are in 
the world, but not of it. I have called you Hepsiba. You 
are mine and as a bride prepares for the wedding, be 
prepared. Be ready for in the hour that you think not, your 
Heavenly Bridegroom shall come for you in all His glory and 
you shall forever be with Him. 

Thus saith the Lord. 

Dr. Billie Reagan Deck 

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