Saturday, September 19, 2015

Word from the Lord:
My people, listen to Me. I come to you all this day with a warning. Not a warning of coming disaster or doom, but a warning of forgetting the one who has taken you all through your wilderness and who shall bring you into a land of promises and blessings.
Soon, many who have been waiting on My promises shall begin to see their fruition. But this is not the end, there is still much more tribulation that My faithful ones must endure before My coming for My church. Therefore, when you see your blessings come and your finances prosper as those of the world are struggling; do not say in your heart that you have done these things. For was it not I who sustained you during your times of distress? Therefore, it is also I who shall bring you into your promises and blessings.
Now listen, soon there shall be more shakings in the economic systems of man. But fret not when this happens. For have I not said in My word that the gold and silver is Mine? So then, use wisdom with the wealth that I shall bestow on many of you and you shall be blessed in all that you put your hands to, no matter the condition of the world’s economic system. And, I shall bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you as you walk uprightly before Me.
So then, stay close to Me in the days ahead and only do as I lead, and you shall be blessed. However, do not be unwise or careless with the wealth and blessings or I shall remove them from you.
I love you all, My dearest ones, and it is My desire to see My children blessed upon the earth. Though I cannot bless disobedience or carelessness. Therefore, again I say, be wise in your financial dealings and follow My lead in all that you put your hands to. For I shall use many to purchase land, buildings, and businesses all for the purpose of setting up My kingdom in the earth realm and spreading the gospel across the land for all to see and hear.
I love you, My chosen ones, so deal wisely in the days ahead and you shall remain blessed with the wealth in which I shall pour out upon many of you.

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