Monday, May 16, 2016

5/15/2016 at 5:41am | IP LoggedQuote Danny Korakas

I put together this message a few years ago and just felt the need to post it at this hour. dk

This message that I am typing and which you are reading was typed on my laptop with a “QWERTY” keyboard. This quirky name is derived from the first six letters in its upper left hand row. Strange as it now may seem, this keyboard layout was designed in 1873 as a feat of what I would call ‘anti-engineering’. It employs a whole series of underlying tricks designed to make or force a typist to type as slow as possible! The current layout or system scatters the most common letter keypads over all of the keyboard rows and concentrating them on the left hand side where right handed (most typist) have to use their weaker or most unproductive hand.

The reason behind all of these seemingly counter-productive features (even the locations of symbols and numbers) is that the typewriters of 1873 jammed if adjacent keys were struck in quick succession. The problem at this time in history was that the typewriter designer or manufacturer had to literally slow or dummy down the typist to sell their product.

Design improvements in typewriters and keyboards eliminated the problem of jamming and trials in 1932 with an efficiently laid out keyboard showed that it would let people double their typing speed and reduce typing effort by 95%. However, QWERTY keyboards were solidly entrenched within societies by that time for various reasons. The vested interest of millions of QWERTY typist, typing teachers, programmers, typewriter and computer sales people as well as manufacturers have continually crushed any progress toward keyboard redesign or efficiency for over 80 years!

While this message of the QWERTY keyboard may seem a bit odd or even a bit comical in retrospect, many more similarities and entrenched attitudes have had much heavier economic and more importantly, spiritual consequences. Let’s look at a more recent economic example to paint a spiritual picture and prophetic application that I hope will tie this all together and convey this revelation more clearly.

Why has Japan traditionally dominated the world market for electronic circuit based products to a degree that damages the United States’ balance of payments or trade with Japan even though most, if not all of the technology was invented and patented in the United States? It is simply because Sony had the ‘foresight’ and bought the transistor licensing rights from Western Electric at a time when the American electronic consumer industry was still churning out vacuum tube models like hot cakes and was reluctant to compete with it’s own products. People’s needs were being met in this particular season and corporate decisions rested upon the results and profit of the hour without looking toward the needs and reality of the future from a prophetic vantage.

I hope that some spiritual parallels are beginning to come into view within this QWERTY example. Many within the manufacturers of religion have purposely designed a spiritual anti-model or system intent on slowing down the users as not to replace the product which is being sold. The manufactures of religion have created a system of which negates the power of the right hand (the hand of blessing) and designed a cumbersome process and frustration of which religious systems create.

The most intriguing part of all, is that the masses or ‘product users’ in their comfortable state have resisted change for a far better product as well as better results due to past investments and corporate protectionism. Like Western Electric, which sold its patent and license based on natural perceptions and natural senses – the church has likewise sold the patented power of its birthright, creativity and it’s future blessing to mankind. The good news is that God is repossessing what has been spiritually discarded as well as foolishly sold through self-righteous, prideful and ignorant agendas. With this said, the Lord is not interested in renewing wineskins and restoring fields which the locust have devoured. The Lord is instilling fresh creativity and inventiveness within his people. The wineskins of our spiritual lives will not be re-stored or re-packaged, but newly created with a completely different shape, texture, form, and most importantly – function. The Lord is not restoring fields which are damaged and locust invested – He is providing completely new landscapes and spiritual territories to fulfill His purposes as we extent the right hand of blessing to mankind. When was the last time that you blessed mankind as a whole -rather than complaining about it?

A newly designed keyboard was designed in 1932 which would have doubled the efficiency of communication (communion and connection within the body of Christ) and was rejected by a myriad of protectionist devices and systems as stated. This date parallels with a critical time in history as the Spirit was likewise quenched within the church and lost an open window of opportunity for spiritual investment and prosperity.

The prophetic key and understanding of this message is the realization that much of what is ‘selling’ today within the religious system is the anti-anointing and engineered to slow our spiritual growth. Many people realize that the church is selling a cumbersome and outdated product and will soon manifest as spiritual bankruptcy to those who continue to market it, buy into it, and are not willing to see into the future in meeting the genuine needs and demands of mankind as the days unfold. 
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Rita Nelson
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Posted: 05/15/2016 at 11:16pm | IP LoggedQuote Rita Nelson

Hi Danny. I must be pretty old. We had an Apple IIe and
it had a button you could push that changed the keyboard
from QWERTY to Dvorak or Dorvak. You could type much
faster on that one. It only took a short while to get used
to it. Right out of the gate you could type 30-40 wpm. I
liked it. There was an overlay you put on the keys with
the new letters on it. Thanks for the memories!
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Cindy Glinski
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Posted: 05/16/2016 at 3:15am | IP LoggedQuote Cindy Glinski

Hi Danny,
What you write is so true. When we get so entrenched in the old we do not want to change and embrace the new. When it comes to the church we will not have a choice, we will either transition or not be useful in the next move. The next move will effect everyone as Holy Spirit comes upon all flesh.

As I think about the keyboard we need all of those letters, but some of the letters get very little use, but we still need them. In the body of Christ, we are all necessary.

Thanks for your post,

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