Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Sandi Ramsey
May 11, 2000

The Elijah List is working on a PROPHETIC and INTERCESSORY DANCE conference. We'll let you know when it comes together. One of the teachers will be Sandi Ramsey, who has written this article.
The Lord is extending an invitation to dance!
Webster's definition of dance is simply to move the feet or rest of the body rhythmically, especially to music - to skip, leap, etc. as from excitement or emotion - to bob up and down - to perform or take part in a dance.
That is the extent of significance the word "dance" has in its daily application. If dance is even recognized in the church today it is usually limited to our expression of praise to the Lord. Although dance is a vital, necessary part of our worship, there is a depth of significance in the dance that we have not fully realized. Dance when done with purpose takes on prophetic authority.
There are times that we express with specific gestures the prophetic word of the Lord. The prophetic gesture increases the impact of the word being released because it reinforces the audible with the visual. To prophesy means to predict with certainty. When we dance to such songs as "Making War in the Heavenlies," we are prophesying - predicting with certainty - the eminent demise of the kingdom of darkness. There is power behind our dance because our words are not empty, but are backed by the will of God, the unction of the Spirit, and the agreement of our actions with the words of our mouth.
We must worship the Lord not only in word, but in deed. John 4:23-24 says, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Church, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth, in word and in deed. If we are saying with our mouth that we bow down, we should also do it with our bodies. Anything less would not be the truth. The truth must be alive in us and expressed through us.
The church (at least to some degree) has expressed itself to the Lord in the dance, but the Lord is asking for something more. HE wants to EXPRESS HIMSELF IN US through the dance.
John 1:1 declares that in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God, same as was in the beginning. John goes on to tell us in verse 14 that the Word was made FLESH and dwelt among them. How does Christ reveal Himself to us? Through the Word. How does He reveal Himself to the world? Through the Word made flesh in us. What does the Word have to say about dance?
If you will study dance through out the Bible in both the Hebrew/Greek roots and in scriptural context, you will find a wealth of information. Because the scriptures do not describe in detail the dances that were being danced, let us look deeper into the original meaning of the dance. The word "chagag" means to move in a circle, to march in a sacred procession, to observe a festival; to be giddy: celebrate, dance, keep or hold a solemn feast or holiday, reel to and fro. To "chagag" includes celebrations, dances to observe a feast, circle dances, line dances and good ol' playful dances. David danced and played before the ark as it was returning. (I Chron 15:29) I like the meaning "to be giddy". Have you ever just danced your heart out and found yourself (and many times those around you) out of breath and laughing? Just giddy before the Lord? If you haven't you should try it, it's wonderful.
The New Testament word "orcheomai" like "chagag" refers to dances done in a row or in a ring. It also connotes rank like or regular motion. There is a militancy behind the dance many times. "Mechowlah", also translated "dance" means a company or dances. The definition of "company", or "machaneh" lists "army of dancers" as one of its definitions. We are His army and we must take our place in the ranks. That includes all of us. The men danced. (Jer 31:13) The women danced. (Ex 15:20) Even the children danced. (Job 21:11) You may not be physically able to leap and dance around, but you must not be passive in worship. It is not a spectator sport. He is worthy of your praise.
There is one Hebrew word that has a wealth of significance that the Lord is shedding light on today. That word is "chuwl, khool", pronounced "cool" It means:
To twist or whirl in a circular or spiral manner To dance to bear To wait, to tarry to writhe in pain (as in child birth) To bring forth to drive away To fall grievously in pain to form, make, or shape To rest to be sore or in much pain To shake to tremble To trust to be wounded
God asks us to give our lives as living sacrifices. We are called to give our bodies to Christ, allowing the Word to be made flesh. Not only must we come to the revelation that in Him we live and move and have our being, but HE LIVES AND MOVES AND HAS HIS BEING IN US.
As intercessors, we must be willing to bear in our bodies that which the Lord is trying to release. We are called to be the vessels through which "His kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven." This flow may cause us to tremble or to shake. We often stand in this place where heaven touches earth during worship and we see similar manifestations. The "Quakers" knew that place long ago and the entire body of Christ was birthed into a completely different era because of their hunger for God and their willingness to yield to Him.
Many times intercessors will begin to writhe in pain and find themselves in the depths of spiritual labor. This is not a strange or new thing. This is the Word of God. We must yield ourselves and work with the birth pangs in order for the work of the Lord to be birthed.
In its first definition khool is defined to twist or whirl in a circular or spiral manner. In Revelation the "twisted serpent Leviathan" was defeated. Perhaps one way we can wage war against that twisted, lying, hypocritical spirit is simply by un-twisting. That may seem too simple, but the Lord has placed significance on our movements and our obedience. The Word says that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. Many times during praise, people will begin to spin. Although I am not attempting to make a doctrine out of it, it is possible that the spinning untwists the lies that have bound us, setting us free.
The Lord uses dance hand-in-hand with warfare praise and intercession to drive away and push back the enemy. Allow God to use the expression of your hands and arms to illustrate His will. One root word for praise, "yadah" literally means to use the hand, to cast out. You can push back and drive away with your hands. He may also use you to form, make or shape things into existence as you cooperate with the Creator.
Are we willing like Christ to be wounded, to be sore or in much pain or even to fall grievously in pain for the sake of another? Perhaps you have felt this sudden and great pain, but did not know what to do with it. Do not be afraid and do not dismiss it. If you have asked the Lord to do with you what He will, then know that He is entrusting you to yield to the process. Allow it to happen. Pray it through and relax in faith knowing that God is working in you for the sake of another.
One of the greatest and most effective ways that the Lord uses man is to bring us to a place in which we are to wait, to tarry, to trust and to rest. Let us learn to hear the drumbeat of the Lord and to dance the dance that He is ordaining. We must discern His times and seasons, then cooperate with Him as He fulfills His plans on the earth. We do not want to be like the children calling in the marketplace in Matt 11:16, 17 "We played a flute and you did not dance."

Will you join Him in the dance?

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